Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is one bite at a time...

Another class related blog? I'm thrilled!

Okay, while that was highly sarcastic, I'm not MAD about creating another blog, just...disheveled. I feel like someone just walked up and did that really annoying thing where they think it's cute to ruffle and smoosh your hair about. Thus, I am disheveled.

However, I've been feeling that way a lot lately, which actually brings me to the point of this blog. When I realized I needed to create a purpose for this blog, I knew it needed to be something simple. No more reporting on items like dumplings for the moment. It needed to be a topic that I could supplement with my own, personal knowledge. So I sat on the couch trying to think of ANYTHING to write about. The only thing that came to mind was a phrase that I have been using as my personal mantra all semester long, "The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time." As my December graduation looms ever closer, with finals starting to gnaw on my heels, and my January move to New York City requiring more and more attention, I've been feeling like someone's about to hit me with a bat, and I just can't figure out what direction it's coming from. So I use my little mantra to try and self-soothe and remind me that I have to take it a bite at a time.

That's my round-about way of saying the purpose of this blog is to chronicle my little bites and vent some frustrations. I'm sure a few people out there can relate to what I'm feeling. Let's hope I remember to chew thoroughly and avoid choking.

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