Thursday, November 6, 2008


Last night I committed the first major faux pas of my career hunt. I've been looking for a way to work with the Food Network. I'm addicted to that channel and would be a happy little bunny to get to go to their offices in Chelsea Market everyday. Food Network is owned by a company called Scripps. If you get hired at the Food Network, or several other cable stations, you are actually hired by Scripps.

Last night I learned that they were looking to hire an ad sales assistant in NYC. While it's not public relations, after reading the job description, I was totally confident that I could handle the position and do a great job. Then, I would at least be IN the organization, and it would maybe lead to opportunities at the Food Network. So I applied.

They use an online application form. It was very standard. Upload your resume, type in your address and phone number, blah blah blah. I wasn't even sure there would be a chance to add in a cover letter. However, at the LAST step, there was a little box for, "Comments or Cover Letter." I put together a pithy little message showcasing that I'm familiar with the company, and would fit well. Hit send. Patted myself on the back and did a little excited dance.

A few minutes later, an e-mail from Scripps Recruiting popped into my inbox, confirming that they had received my application. I would like to share my thoughts with you at that moment. Ahem, here goes...
"Yay! It went! Oh I'm so excited! I totally think I could do that job! Man I hope they call me. The Scripps Networks, huh? Damn I'm excited...HEY. Wait a second? Did I...? No, I couldn't have... OH.
I did."

(At this moment, it is occurring to me that I referred to the SCRIPPS NETWORK, as SCRIBBS in my cover letter.)

Panic sets in. Profuse sweating. Realization that I've just TAKEN A CRAP on a job I totally would have been right for. Imagine how that conversation in the office is going to go, "Huh, well she's totally qualified...too bad she's a complete IDIOT and didn't even get our name right. NEXT."

Moral of the story: Chew thoroughly kids, or else you're going to CHOKE.

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