Saturday, November 8, 2008


Do you ever find that point where your brain reaches information overload and it's like smacking into a brick wall? I just did that.

While trying to contemplate the amount of hours I need to finish all of my final projects, read all the required books, finish putting together my writing portfolio, and educate myself on every tidbit of PR and food related news I can get my mitts on before I fly to NYC for interviews in two weeks, my brain made a little snap noise. Just a little, "schnipt!" It's where my brain goes, "Screw this noise!! You know what we're going to do? We're going to take a nap. Damn right we are." (I'm also apparently going crazy as my brain is now a separate entity from the rest of me, capable of autonomous decisions, and thus uses the pronoun, "We," when discussing me as an entity.)

This is also one of those moments where I'm very close to sitting in a dark corner rocking back and forth muttering, "One bite at a time, one bite at a time." I know it will get done, it's just all very....large, at the moment.

I shall now go to bed. And by go to bed I mean read one of my school books in dim lighting till I pass out. And by read I mean clutch it a few inches in front of my face while I think about all the ways to blow my interviews.

Note to self: Tomorrow, buy some cheese to go with this whine.


MBenti said...

My way of saying this is that, after those interviews are over - take a "Mental Health Day!" One of those where you enjoy life instead of worry. I hope you get to have one soon!

Becky Gnirke said...

Let us know how your interviews all go! I know that is something I will have to start looking in to pretty soon and I am definitely not looking forward to it. You should practice with a friend, maybe it will help to destress you a bit, or even in front of a mirror!